Professional Excellence & Achievements
He has been practicing Cardio-Thoracic surgery for past 24 years (since 1978). Has performed over 17750 Open Heart operations personally which include
Coronary Bypass Surgeries |
12000 (apx)
Heart Valve Surgeries including Valve Replacements & Valve Repair Operations |
4400 (apx)
Correction of Congenital Cardiac Defects |
1100 (apx)
Miscellaneous Cardiac Operations like Cardiac Tumors, etc. |
150 (apx)
The experience of independently performed over 17750 Open Heart Operations together with the experience of over 6000 Open Heart Operations in association with Dr. Girinath at Apollo Hospital, Madras makes one of the largest experience of Open Heart Surgery in India.
Arterial Grafts is used routinely for all Cardio Vascular Bypass Surgeries.
Between 1991 to 1993 performed 362 Consecutive Coronary Bypass Surgeries without any mortality or serious complication. A record performance at that time.
Have the experience of highest member of Mitral Valve Replacement Operation with Complete Chordal Preservation & Artificial Chordal Reconstruction. This is one of the latest technique of Mitral Valve surgery. Presented this work in the Annual Conference of Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery held at Madras in February 2002.
Performed first time in South India, the operation of Thoracoscopic Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus, on a six year old male child in 1996.
One of the first users and now have the largest experience in using Stentless Bioprosthetic Valve Replacement Surgery for Aortic Valve disease in India. This is the state of the art Tissue Heart Valve not yet commonly used in India in other Cardiac surgery centres.
Successfully performed the Emergency Cardiac Surgery on a 2 days old infant, suffering from severe complex Congenital Heart Disease. The child had 2nd Corrective Surgery at the age of 8 months and again of the age of 4 years for complete cardiac correction.
Successfully performed Heart Transplant in Nov 2013 for 21 yrs old, Cardiomyopathy patient.