Dr Vijay Dikshit was born on 4th July, 1952 at Sagar, M.P., India to Shri. S.C. Dikshit I.P.S. (Retd.) and Smt. Uma Dikshit. Has one brother and three sisters all very well placed.


He has done his schooling in Lucknow, Intermediate from Varanasi, B.Sc from Allahabad University.

He passed the tough state-wide medical entrance test and achieved 25th rank ensuring admission to the King George’s Medical College, Lucknow, U.P., a highly reputed institution of excellence in medical sciences. Thus joined K.G. Medical College, Lucknow, U.P. in 1969 and graduated in 1973 with Certificate of Honors and Appreciation in the subject of Social and Preventive Medicine. And Compulsory Rotating Internship of 12 months duration, at Gandhi Memorial & Associated Hospitals, Lucknow, U.P from 1973-74.

Pursued the course of Master in Surgery at K.G. Medical College from Jan 1976 to 31/12/77. During this period of study submitted a Thesis on “Study of Selective Conray Third Ventriculography by Direct Third Ventricular Catheterization”. The study was a pioneering work at the time for diagnosing various lesions in the brain by direct catheterization of 3rd ventricle in human brain.

After the qualification of Master of Surgery and worked as Chief Resident for four months, got admitted in to the Super Speciality Course (M.Ch) Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. The first candidate of Lucknow University to be selected for the Course of M.Ch Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.

During the period submitted the Thesis “An Experimental Study of Segmental Venous Replacement by Gore-Tex Graft”. Also during the course went as a special trainee to other Cardio-Thoracic Surgery units for advance training in Cardiac Surgery.